Trip Reports

Category: Trip Reports

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If you ever want to see what the African Savannah looks like without being to Africa, then Tal Chhapar is the place. Though small in area at about 16sq km, it resembles an African Savannah in all its glory. The golden grasses host over 10,000 Blackbucks and it is the prime example of successful Blackbuck […]

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The Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary is special in many ways. For one, it hosts India’s only ape species – the hoolock gibbons, and Northeastern India’s only nocturnal primate – the Bengal slow loris. Then, very unusually, it is an isolated forest tract set amidst tea gardens and small villages, unlike most of the Indian forests which are often connected […]

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It was going to be my final safari of this short trip to Ranthambhore, a national park famous for its Tigers, located in the western state of Rajasthan in India. Ranthambhore is the first national park I ever visited back in 2008, and also my first wild Tiger sighting happened in Ranthambhore, so it is […]

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There are only a handful of places in the whole world where sighting of a Cat as elusive as a Leopard is a near certainty. At the first glance, the unassuming rocky hillocks in southern fringes of Rajasthan look the least like a wildlife sanctuary, leave alone giving a promise of Leopard sightings. As I […]

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AC5 0260 3

Bosnia is a country in Balkan peninsula that was formed in 1992 when Yugoslavia broke down. It has a history of civil wars till 1995, but since then things have stabilized and the economy is picking up. There are talks of Bosnia joining European Union soon. As for us, we were fortunate to be commissioned […]

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Cut to Feb 2016 Just came back from a two week super adventure trip to Iceland. It was the most unplanned trip in true sense with just the checklist of top places to see and no itinerary nor any bookings. We just had a self driven car and depending on weather forecasts (for northern lights) […]

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coor 2

Cut to September 2014.. This was a trip that adventure movies are made of. September is a time which is not considered best for wildlife – the usual birding season starts from November and the Tiger season had already ended in June. During the monsoons one is not left with too many options. Coorg is […]

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