Fish River Canyon

Fish River Canyon


Fish River Canyon, being the second largest canyon in the world, with a daunting length of 100 miles and almost 1650 feet of depth, is a hiker’s paradise. Hikers from all around the world come to Namibia Fish River Canyon to seek adventure and an experience that cannot be found anywhere else. This African wonder is a place where people find peace in nature’s lap as well as sightings of animals such as leopards, mountain zebras, baboons, springboks and many more. The hike has a wondrous feeling, with all the hardships that it requires. After this, one has to tread through Kanabis Bend, four-finger rock, Palm Springs and other breathtaking views. Then one reaches the heavenly Sulphur Springs. A dip in these springs can erase the tension and strain from your muscles and bones. The end of the hike is at Ai-Ais Hot Springs which reward you for the strain of the hike with its beautiful landscapes. The trail has no provisions for the hikers, one has to be self-sufficient and carry everything with them. The water of the river that runs through the gorge is drinkable and cleaned frequently.


Location:South Namibia

Nearest International Airport:Windhoek

How to reach: By road or flight from Windhoek

Famous for: Long Canyon and breathtaking landscapes

Best time to visit: Jan to Dec


Kooigoedhoogte Pass

Sulphur springs

Main viewpoint

Rock Pinnacle



Sulfur springs: The springs are the result of the fissures present here millions of years ago. The water that comes out of these springs offers a great and startling view and contains sulfur, chloride, and fluorides which help in relieving tension from the muscles and deservedly so!

Main Viewpoint: For those who come here to enjoy the marvel of nature and not to hike are offered with the mind-blowing viewpoint which covers the view of the almost complete fish river canyon, along with the Riverbend. According to myths, this Hell’s Corner was made by a dragon’s tail. The dragon whipped its tail and the Riverbend was formed.

Hiker’s Viewpoint: When you begin to hike, after a few kilometers to the north lies the point which is called the Hiker’s Viewpoint. The view that is offered from this place covers the whole canyon and all the beauty that it stores within it. The bends and rocks, the rivers and riverbeds can all be seen and marveled at from this point.

Four Finger Rock: This is a landmark for hikers. The rock looks like four fingers reaching the sky with its four protruding pinnacles. This strange rock is featured in a lot of hikers’ photographs and is a must-see.

Thilo von Trotha’s Grave: The pass from where you can glimpse at the Four Finger Rock is Kooigoed Hoogte pass. At the end of this pass lies the grave of Lt. Thilo von Trotha, who was shot from behind while negotiating the peace between Bondelswarts and Nama. The grave can easily be spotted as it is covered with rocks and is another landmark for the hikers.

Dolerite Dyke: Dykes are vertical or inclined features made of sill which are unique to the area. These strange structures make one question and wonder about the diversity of nature and all that it makes.

Three Sisters Formation: The canyon is decorated and adorned with rock formations and bends formed by soil erosion as well as the millions of years’ of work of rivers on the rocks. Such a unique formation is the Three Sisters Rock which is three rock towers. They offer a splendid view if you can catch the sun rays passing through them.

Kanebis Bend: Between the three sisters’ formation and the Kooigoed Hoogte pass lies the Kanebis bend. The bend offers a short cut to the hikers to reach their final destination.




The hike through the canyon is roughly half the length of the whole Namibia Fish River canyon. But even this half is packed with wonderful sights and views which spellbind the hikers and onlookers.

The trail is open only from May to September, due to the intense heat of the region.

The hike starts with a descent of half a kilometer, which proves to be the hardest part of the hike as one has to pass through Hell’s corner. The next couple of days are spent hiking through the 8-mile long trail. The hike is filled with startling and unique views of mammoth boulders and rocks in different shapes. One rests at Palm Springs by enjoying the sulfurous water. The next day, one continues the relatively easier hike to the Three Sisters Formation. Before that, one may make a slight ascent to take a glimpse of some of the attractions of Fish River Canyon such as the Four Finger Mountain, the grave of Thilo von Trotha and some unique and endemic flora and fauna. After the Three Sisters, one can spot various animals such as hyenas, antelopes, and the famous mountain zebra.

The last day one reaches the Ai-Ais spring, indulges for a bath in the soothing waters of the springs and from there, travels back to the lodge.


Fish River Lodge:


Fish River Lodge is the nearest lodge from the canyon. The lodge offers the peaceful and tranquil views of the canyon and its wonders. Along with that, there are guides available at the lodge to drive you to various viewpoints so that you can appreciate the unparalleled views of the Fish River Canyon.
